セメダイン 5分硬化型エポキシ系接着剤 ハイスーパー5 80gセット CA-186(30セット) 特徴: 金属・ガラス・陶磁器などの硬いものを、カッチリ堅く接着します。 商品仕様: ◆2液混合型エポシキ系接着剤で、5分で硬化しはじめる急ぎの作業に最適な、スピードタイプです。◆容量:80g A characteristic: With the hard things such as metal glass ceramics re-Cutch; adhere firmly.
Product specifications: ◆It is the speed type that is most suitable for the urgent work that begins to stiffen in five minutes with adhesive of 2 liquid mixed type エポシキ origin. ◆Capacity: 80 g
セメダイン 5分硬化型エポキシ系接着剤 ハイスーパー5 80gセット CA-186(30セット)
A characteristic:
With the hard things such as metal glass ceramics re-Cutch; adhere firmly.
Product specifications:
◆It is the speed type that is most suitable for the urgent work that begins to stiffen in five minutes with adhesive of 2 liquid mixed type エポシキ origin. ◆Capacity: 80 g